Our Responsibility in Society

Our social responsibility

Malmberg supports the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, which include requirements for human rights, labor rights, environment, and anti-corruption.

Our CSR work is integrated into all our processes through governing documents, checklists, and internal as well as external controls and audits. We consider it obvious to work for a more sustainable world and a society that respects human rights. We are convinced that this also creates long-term profitability for us and all stakeholders.

We have guidelines and instructions to combat corruption, bribery, and unethical business practices. We never accept, either directly or indirectly, bribes or other undue benefits and compensations. Our company never offers gifts or payments that could be interpreted as bribes.

During the year, we have actively worked to get our suppliers to sign our Code of Conduct. We have also followed our procedure for supplier assessments in our business system.

Through regular dialogue with our stakeholders, we ensure that we have identified the most important areas within sustainability and that we focus on the right things for the future.

Martin Pradon – Procurement manager

Climate Contract with Kristianstad Municipality

Kristianstad Municipality, as part of Viable Cities, has adopted the mission “Climate-Neutral Kristianstad 2030 – with a good life for all within the planet’s boundaries”. By 2030, every resident of Kristianstad should be able to live a good life with high quality of life and minimal climate impact within the planet’s boundaries. To succeed, we all need to urgently reduce greenhouse gas emissions and develop the municipality in a way that is ecologically, socially, and economically sustainable for current and future generations. We at Malmberg are convinced that many local climate contracts contribute to national effect. We all have a responsibility to contribute, and we as an environmental technology company naturally want to be part of this journey towards a fossil-free future and a climate-neutral Kristianstad 2030. Therefore, we signed a climate contract with our and Kristianstad Municipality’s commitments on Thursday, December 14, 2023.

Camilla Palm, Chairman of the Municipal Executive Board, Kristianstad Municipality.

Through continuous dialogue with our stakeholders, we ensure that we have identified our most important areas within sustainability and that we focus on the right things for the future.

Stakeholders Requirements
Owners National & international laws, requirements from banks Ongoing dialogue and exchange of knowledge. Management
Employees National & international laws, collective agreements Ongoing dialogue. Employee surveys, training, information. Managers, HR
Suppliers National & international laws, business agreements Close dialogue, joint projects. Purchasers, project managers
Customers National & international laws, business agreements Customer meetings, customer surveys, and follow-ups. Salespeople, marketers
Partners National & international laws, business agreements, framework agreements Central & local procurements, follow-ups. Salespeople, project managers
Society National & international laws, global climate agreements Sponsorship, meetings with municipalities & authorities, collaboration forums

Proud Zeros
We’re In!
We support local associations and organizations.
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