Sustainability Goals
Our Promise
At Malmberg, our commitment is to operate our business in a way that takes responsibility for both society, the environment, and the economy. By focusing on sustainable solutions, we strive to contribute to a circular society and positively impact seven of the UN’s global goals in Agenda 2030.
With a history dating back to 1866, we are aware of our long-term responsibility as part of societal development. Promoting the development of a sustainable and circular society is a central part of our identity and commitment.
Overall Goals and Subgoals
- Reduced CO2 Footprint
- Increased efficiency
- Increased volume
- Transition to a fossil-free vehicle fleet
- Reduce the amount of purchased energy for the Yngsjö property
- Streamline energy and resource consumption
- Streamline processes
- Update operational system and governing documents
- Develop measurable key performance indicators
- Increase engagement
- Promote the reporting of identified risks
Percentage of environmental vehicles* of the total vehicle fleet
*Environmental vehicle – a vehicle powered by environmentally friendly fuels such as electricity, ethanol, biogas, or other renewable fuels.
Energy use/processing compared to production
Goal: 1,7
Result: 1,65
Goal: 1,6
Goal: 1,14
Self-produced energy/purchased energy
Goal: 4,5
Result: 4,7
Goal: 6
Goal: 10
Reduce waste volumes
Goal: <0,75
Result: 0,67
Goal: <0,5
Goal: <0,3
Malmberg’s sustainability goals are based on the identified significant environmental aspects of the operations. We aim low, and the goal is: nothing! We summarize this goal in the concept of Generation Zero. Our significant environmental aspects are:
- Consumption of natural resources (fossil fuels, water, steel)
- Emissions to land and water via waste, by-products, and combustion (partly regulatory goals – reporting obligations regarding pickling and water jetting)
- Noise (Compliance with legislation – Regulatory goals)
- Chemical management
We are convinced that our investments in sustainability will create higher profitability and thus create value for all our stakeholders.
Curious about which global sustainability goals we have chosen to focus on, and how we work with them?