Sustainability goal

Our commitment
Sustainability at Malmberg is about responsibly conducting our operations and creating long-term solutions that take into account sustainable social, environmental, and economic factors. Our solutions contribute to creating a circular society and have an impact on no less than seven of the UN’s global goals in Agenda 2030. Malmberg has been in operation since 1866, and as a long-term player and community builder, it is only natural for us to contribute to the development of a circular and sustainable society.
Overall goals and sub-goals
- Reduced CO2 Footprint
- Increased efficiency
- Increased volume
- Conversion to a fossil-free vehicle fleet
- Reduce the amount of purchased energy for the property in Yingsjö
- Streamline energy and resource consumption
- Streamline the processes
- Update the business system and governing documents
- Develop measurable key performance indicators
- Increase engagement
- Promote the reporting of identified risks

Share of environmental vehicles* of the total vehicle fleet
Goal: >20%
Result: 18%
Goal: >50%
Goal: 100%
*Environmental vehicles – a vehicle that is powered by environmental fuels such as e.g. ethanol, biogas or other renewable fuels
Energy use/turnover comparison
Goal: 1,7
Result: 1,65
Goal: 1,6
Goal: 1,14
Self-produced energy/purchased energy
Goal: 4,5
Result: 4,7
Goal: 6
Goal: 10
Reduce waste
Goal: <0,75
Result: 0,67
Goal: <0,5
Goal: <0,3
Malmberg’s sustainability goals are based on the identified significant environmental aspects of our operations. We aim low, and the goal is nothing! We summarize this goal in the concept of Generation Zero. Our significant environmental aspects include:
- Consumption of natural resources (fossil fuels, water, steel)
- Emissions to land and water through waste, by-products, and combustion (partly governed goals – reporting requirements regarding pickling and water jetting)
- Noise (compliance with legislation – governed goal)
- Chemical management
We are convinced that our investments in sustainability will create higher profitability and, thus, value for all our stakeholders.
The effects of climate change are tangible, and awareness of the problem is significant. Advanced purification and environmental technology solutions are of great value for the global transition we are facing.
We are the fifth generation of Malmberg employees, but we are the first to fully understand the seriousness of the climate crisis. Together, as employees, customers, and partners, we will become Generation Zero.
Our sustainability work is closely tied to our quality work. By ensuring good quality throughout the value chain, we impact our climate footprint. Keywords in our operations and sustainability work are responsibility all the way, committed employees, and financial awareness.