Our responsibility in society

Malmberg supports the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, which include requirements regarding human rights, labor rights, the environment, and anti-corruption.

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) work is integrated into all our processes through governing documents, checklists, and internal and external controls and audits. We consider it a given to work towards a more sustainable world and a society that respects human rights. We are convinced that this also creates long-term profitability for us and all our stakeholders.

We have procedures and instructions in place to counteract corruption, bribery, and unethical business practices. We never accept, directly or indirectly, bribes or other improper benefits and compensations. The company never offers any gift or payment that could be considered or interpreted as a bribe.

Throughout the year, we have actively worked on getting our suppliers to sign our Code of Conduct. We have also followed our procedure for supplier assessments in our operational system.

Through continuous dialogue with our stakeholders, we ensure that we have identified our key areas within sustainability and that we are focusing on the right priorities for the future.

Stakeholders Requirement
Owner National & international laws, requirements from banks Ongoing dialogue and exchange of knowledge, Management
Employee National & international laws, collective agreements Ongoing dialogue. Employee surveys, education, information. Managers, HR
Supplier National & international laws, business agreements Close dialogue, joint projects, buyers, project managers
customer National & international laws, business agreements Customer meetings, customer surveys and follow-up. Salesperson, marketer
Partners National & international laws, business agreements, framework agreements Central & local procurement, follow-ups. Salesperson, project manager
society National & international laws, global climate agreements Sponsorship, meeting with municipalities & authorities, collaboration forum

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